The portrait of the lawyer Levi: a life rediscovered

  • Subject:

    History and Memory

  • Who is it for:

    Secondary schools


Activity Description:

The educational laboratory The portrait of the lawyer Levi begins with the vision of a painting by the artist Tino Rosa dated 1938 which depicts Paolo Shaul Levi, a Jewish lawyer from Padua. Taking into consideration this work of art - found and discovered by chance in 2021 - together with other documents and photographs, the children will be asked, working in small groups, to gradually reconstruct Paolo Levi's biography. Finally, they will be offered a brief reflection on the memory of the Shoah and the stories it brings.


  • Bring students closer to the history and events of the years of Nazi-fascist persecution of Jews, with a focus on the case of Padua
  • Confronting a case of "micro-history" that is linked to general facts and reconstructing a biography through various types of historical documents
  • Re-elaborate and question the meaning of Memory so that students can in turn become witnesses and true bearers of memory

The portrait of the lawyer Levi: a life rediscovered

  • Notes: €105 per group of up to 15 participants, €7 for each additional student
  • Opening hours:
  • clock
    Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes
School Group
Up to 15 participants, €7 for each additional student