Stories of Illustrious Jews

  • Subject:

    History, Jewish culture, Intercultural dialogue

  • Who is it for:

    Primary and secondary schools (I and II grade)


Activity description:

The History of Illustrious Jews 2.0 educational laboratory offers students an in-depth study of some of the important Jewish personalities of Padua who over the centuries have contributed to enriching the history of the city: the personalities of Giacomo Levi Civita, Samuel David Luzzatto, Leone Romanin Jacur will be considered , Vittorio Polacco and Leone Wollemborg through the film “Generation goes, generation comes” created specifically for the Museum. Finally, the children will be invited to compete in a team quiz to test the knowledge they have acquired.


  • Learn about the history of some protagonists in the history of the Jewish community of Padua and the city
  • Understanding the centuries-old relationship between the Jewish community of Padua and the city itself
  • Reflect on the influence between different cultures and identities

Stories of illustrious Jews in Padua 2.0

  • Notes: €105 per group of up to 15 participants, €7 for each additional student
  • Opening hours:
  • clock
    Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
School groups
Up to 15 participants, €7 for each additional student