Green light to the Padua ghetto

  • Subject:

    History and Memory, Dialogue between Cultures

  • Who is it for:

    I and II grade secondary schools


Activity description:

The educational path Green light to the Padua ghetto will guide students to understand the origin of the term "ghetto" and the developments that its meaning has had throughout history: starting from the analysis of the Jewish ghetto of the modern era and the rules that regulated it, we will come to reflect on the contemporary ghetto and what this word represents today.

Through a walk in stages in the area of ​​the Padua ghetto, which officially existed between 1603 and 1797 but has always been a witness to Jewish life in the city, the elements that still distinguish this place today will be shown; among these the mezuzah and the Casa del Mercante in via dell'Arco, the Corte Lenguazza and some stumbling blocks.

Thanks to this historical itinerary, students will be able to understand how the meaning of the ghetto changed over time and what its implications were in the construction of prejudices aimed at discrimination.


    • Analyze the concept of ghetto, its history and meanings
    • Discovering the sites of Jewish Padua and the city itself
    • Riflettere sul significato di discriminazione e combattere i pregiudizi razziali

    Green light for the Padua ghetto

    • Notes: € 75 per group of up to 15 participants, € 5 for each additional student
    • Opening hours:
    • clock
    School Groups
    € 75 per group of up to 15 participants, € 5 for each additional student