Once WW2 was over and after escaping persecutions thanks to her falsified IC, Carmen ..
Once WW2 was over and after escaping persecutions thanks to her falsified IC, Piera R..
The Jews deported from Vo’ Vecchio first were moved to Risiera di San Sabba in Trie..
On the day following the Jews departure from Villa Venier, Vo’ Vecchio Concentratio..
At 10:30pm on July 17th, 1944 Maresciallo Salvatore Lepore presented a handwritten do..
December 14th, 1943 Piera Rachel Almansi receives a false Identity Card. Her name..
Carmen Simchà Sinigaglia was born on August 18th, 1892. She was Marco Giacomo Siniga..
After the promulgation of the Racial Laws, all the official documents issued by Itali..
In 1942, Graziella Viterbi obtained a false Identity Card. Both her surname – chang..
Elia Gesses was born in Odessa (presently Belarus) on November 8th, 1898. Shimon Jess..
Piera Rachel Almansi was born on August 3rd, 1920 in Reggio Emilia. She was the daugh..
In September 1938, after the promulgation of the Racial Laws and the consequent creat..
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